
来源:互联网 时间:2023-04-27 21:01:42


1、女神的英文:goddess英 [ˈgɒdes] 美 [ˈgɑ:dəs]n.女神;被崇拜的女人;非凡的女子;绝世美女She was still a screen goddess at the pinnacle of her career.她仍然是一位处于事业巅峰期的银幕女神。

2、2、Raquel Welch was at the height of her popularity as a sex goddess.拉克尔·韦尔奇作为一名性感女神红极一时。

3、扩展资料同类词:一、male god男神Curly Fu is the sexiest when he plays violin, said another. Curly Fu is my only male god.另一位则这样写道:卷福拉小提琴的时候最性感,他是我唯一的男神。

4、二、god英 [gɒd] 美 [gɑ:d]n.上帝,造物主;被极度崇敬的人[物];男神;戏院顶层楼座观众One day the god presented a big and shiny divine mirror to the goddess as a token of love.一天男神为了表达自己的爱慕之情,热议送了一面又大又亮的神镜给女神。


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