歌词(中英对照): Standing here 站在这里 I realize 我意识到 You were just like me 你和我一样 Trying to make history 试图改变历史 But who"s to judge 但谁来论断 The right from wrong 对或错 When our guard is down 当我们放下成见 I think we"ll both agree 我想我们都会同意 That 那 Violence breeds violence 暴力衍生暴力 But in the end it has to be this way 但最终它只能如此 I"ve carved my own path 我已经为我开辟了道路 You followed your wrath 你追随你的愤怒 But maybe we"re both the same 但或许我们都是一样的 The world has turned 世界已经改变 And so many have burned 许多人因此消逝 But nobody is to blame 但是没有人为此负责 Yet staring across this barren wasted land 然而,在这块荒芜贫瘠的土地上 I feel new life will be born 我感觉新的希望即将诞生 Beneath the blood stained sand 在这片血染的土地之下 Beneath the blood stained sand 在这片血染的土地之下
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